Dysport and Botox in Charlotte

Botox & Dysport
In a survey, 92% of current BOTOX® users said they wish they’d talked to their doctor and started BOTOX® sooner*
BOTOX® Cosmetic is FDA-approved to temporarily make moderate to severe frown lines, crow's feet, and forehead lines look better in adults.
Dysport and Botox
Dysport and Botox are purified proteins which reduce the activity of muscles that cause wrinkles to form over time, thus preventing or reversing the signs of aging. Both Dysport and Botox contain the same active ingredient (botulinumtoxinA) but are manufactured by different companies, Galderma and Allergan. The difference between the two is is often compared to Coke vs. Pepsi. On a molecular level, Dysport is a slightly smaller molecule than Botox, meaning it has the ability to spread slightly more. In regards to longevity and pricing, they are the same.
Many patients are confused about when they should start treatments. We suggest that whenever you start to see fine lines and wrinkles present when your face is at rest is a good time to start preventative botox. If lines are appearing when you smile, frown, squint or raise your eyebrows, it would also be a good time to begin treatments. You may notice them on your forehead (transverse forehead rhytids), between your eyebrows (the “11’s”), around your mouth (“smoker lines”), or at the corner of your eyes (“crow’s feet”). The earlier the lines are treated, the more effectively they will disappear. If the lines become too deep before starting to treat them, much more invasive procedures can be needed to correct them – such as filler, lasers, or microneedling, which can also be much more expensive.
The side effects of treatment are minimal, but because it is injected into the skin, there is always a possibility of bruising and swelling at the injection site. This is a temporary and completely normal side effect, and it will resolve within hours to days after treatment. Other side effects can include headache, weakness, and allergic reactions.
For best results, avoid blood thinning medications (with a doctor’s permission) and herbal supplements 1-2 weeks prior to injections (Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, CoQ10, Ginkgo, St. John’s Wort, Omega, Garlic)
Also avoid blood thinning beverages (such as alcohol) 1-2 weeks prior to injections and 24 hours after injections. Increasing vitamin K intake (green leafy vegetables) 1-2 weeks prior to injections and antioxidant intake will help to strengthen capillary walls (Arnica cream or tablets). Please come to your appointment with a clean face (NO MAKEUP!) to minimize risk of infection.
During your appointment, the Dysport or Botox will be injected in a few spots with a very fine needle, causing very little discomfort. The treatment only takes a few minutes and aftercare is minimal: No exercise or vigorous activity for 24 hours after treatment; No laying down for 6 hours after treatment; No massaging the face or treatment area for 24 hours after treatment; If the forehead was treated, do not wear a hat for 6 hours after treatment.
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, I will not be able to treat you with Dysport or Botox, simply because they have not been tested in pregnancy or breastfeeding patients so the effects it has on the baby are unknown.
You will begin to see the effects of your treatment within a few days, and full effect will be seen in 14 days. The results of each product lasts between 3-4 months in most patients, however this is not true for everyone. If patients are on stimulant medications (such as Adderall or Phentermine), have a high metabolism, or workout on a daily basis, it is possible to see results lasting less than 3 months in some cases.
Botox and Dysport Uses:
forehead lines
crow’s feet
frown lines
smoker lines
brow lift
TMJ/Jaw pain
facial slimming
sweat reduction
reduce oil production