IPL for Sun Damage in Charlotte
Treatment Options

Why Venus?
Venus Versa
Rejuvenation is the most versatile multi-applicator platform that is virtually pain-free and provides the most popular, non-invasive aesthetic procedures, including photorejuvenation/photofacial, acne treatment, skin resurfacing, and wrinkle reduction.
Is PhotoFacial Right For You?
Soften the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, shrink pores,
and even out skin tone and texture with IPL Photofacial!
Diminish dark spots and other signs of premature aging for a more youthful, radiant complexion.
Venus Versa uses Intense Pulsed Light with SmartPulse technology to deliver precise light through several layers of skin, which regenerates heat when it’s absorbed by the targeted tissue. This corrects imperfections in the skin without damaging surrounding tissue. At the same time, a real-time cooling system works to keep your skin protected.
Watch it Work
IPL treatments consist of directing Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) energy at the skin. The energy passes through the epidermis and penetrates into the dermis. Once in the dermis, the IPL stimulates a cell called fibroblast to produce new collagen.
Over several treatments, this new collagen smoothes and softens the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, enlarged pores and textural irregularities. Using special filters to control the wavelength of pulsed light, sun-damaged skin with pigmentation abnormalities, vascular blemishes, such as spider veins and rosacea can be lightened and improved.
What to Expect From IPL Photofacial
How long does the treatment take?
At Valencia Voci, a typical IPL session with Venus Versa take approximately 15 to 20-minutes depending on the area being treated.
What results may be expected? And, how many treatments are needed to see results?
Patients typically see some reduction in pigmentation problems immediately after their first treatment, and for individuals with brown spots and other minor pigmentation problems, one or two treatments may be all that is required. Most patients, however, require a series of 3-6 treatments, spaced about 3 weeks apart, for optimal results.
Is there any downtime or pain?
Following Venus Versa IPL treatments, there may be a minor degree of redness and puffiness to the skin, with some tingling discomfort that usually disappears within 1 hour up to 2 days. You may return immediately to your regular activities and apply makeup after 24-hours after procedure. It is highly recommended you begin a home skin care routine to prevent potential complications, optimize and maintain the cosmetic improvements you obtain with your Versa IPL treatments.